The BFE board of governors have appointed Renée Edwards to the position of Chair.
With over 30 years of experience, including being one of the few beta testers for the very first Avid, Renée has a wealth of experience in the edit and as a producer/director which have honed her skills in project management, widened her industry connections and taught her that the key to getting something done is to plow forward and do it!
Starting out in a small firm making corporate video jobs, Renée was required to turn her hand to whatever was needed. This experience gave her a wealth of skills and experience. Along with this, her enthusiasm to embrace new technology opened some integral doors in her career. Being a beta tester for the very first Avid, Renée then found herself as the first full-time editor using an Avid in the UK and subsequently headhunted by Avid making her a well known name across the industry.
Later, Renée worked on Panorama at the BBC and found that this environment offered her a team that promoted contributions, collaboration and giving something back to the world through the programmes. Her love for story telling inspired her to embark upon a project of her own, this time as the director. Renée set out to film a documentary in New Orleans, showing the struggle for survival by musicians after a natural disaster, poor flood defenses and political machinations have plagued their lives. After 4 years of filming, in 2017 One Note At A Time won 'Film of the Festival' at the Oxford International Film Festival and is one of Renée’s proudest achievements.
Renée was one of our guests on this week's Women in Factual TV Event so come along and learn more about our new Chair including One Note at A Time and her self-published children's book, soon to be animated TV series.
Other board changes
John Grover will be continuing on as vice-chair, but as our organisation grows we have added two new vice-chairs to assist the running of BFE; Stefanina Marangoni and Fergal McGrath will hold those additional vice-chair positions.