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Constitution changes as of 05/04/2024




1. In these rules:-

(a) "The Association" shall (from 13th February 2020) mean the Association of British Film Editors.


(b) "The Board" shall mean the Board of Governors for the time being of the Association constituted in accordance with these Rules.


(c) Words importing the masculine gender shall include the feminine gender.




2. The name of the Association shall be "BRITISH FILM EDITORS".




3. The chief office of the Association shall be c/o Simla Wall, Devonshire House, 582 Honeypot Lane, Stanmore, Greater London, HA7 1JS or at such other place as the Board shall from time to time determine.




4 (a) The objects for which the Association is established.


(i) To ensure that the true value of film and television and diverse media editing is recognised not only by those engaged in it but by the whole of the film, television and media industry, as an important part of the creative and artistic aspects of film, television and other media production.


(ii) To ensure that members of the Association receive due recognition from other professional Associations.


(iii) To promote the professional status of editors by          facilitating meetings, discussions and lectures between members of the Association and other bodies or individuals whose interests are allied to ensuring that the profession of film, television and other media editing is not undermined.


(iv) To seek co-operation with other professional bodies in the film, television and other media industries, both nationally and internationally, and to exchange views in order to further the artistic and technical aims of film, television and other media editing.


(v) To further the standards of professional conduct and achievements by members of the Association and thereby to encourage non-members to aspire to membership.


(vi) To encourage the art of film, television and other media editing by such methods as the Board shall from time to time determine, including in particular by making awards to those members who have excelled in film, television and other media editing.


(vii) To engage with any association, society or body having for its object the protection or advancement of the interests of the film, television and other media industries, particularly those objects applying to editing.


(viii) To carry out the objects of the Association as principal agents or otherwise, and by or through agents or otherwise, and either alone or in conjunction with others.


(ix) To do all such acts or things as are in the opinion of the Board incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects, or shall tend to promote or advance the interests of the Association or of members of the Association.


(b) The Association shall in no way concern itself with bargaining for employment benefits for its members.


(c) The income and property of the Association wheresoever derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Association as set forth in these rules.




5 (a) The affairs of the Association shall be managed by an elected Board of Governors consisting of a Chair, Vice-Chair and no fewer than 6 and no more than 15 additional members.


(b) The term of office for Full Governors is a 4-year period, and can be extended to 2 terms (8 years). In exceptional circumstances this term can be extended subject to a rigorous review by the Board of Governors - to take into account the need for the progressive refreshing of the board. The extended term must be explained in the BFEs Governors’ annual report.


(c) If any governor stepping down wishes to continue to offer his/her services in connection with specific projects he/she may be appointed Associate Governor by the Board. Such Associate Governors may not vote at Governors’ meetings, nor shall they be included in the numbers attending for the purposes of calculating or counting for a quorum.


(d) The Board shall appoint a Board member as Treasurer. If circumstances require it, the role of Treasurer may be held by an associate governor until a suitable active governor can take on the duties of Treasurer. If no full or associate governor is able to take on the duties of Treasurer the role may be undertaken by a suitable candidate from outside the membership of the Association.


(e) In the event of a vacancy occurring on the Board during the year by death, resignation or otherwise, the continuing Governors may co-opt any member to fill such vacancy until the next AGM.


(f) The Board shall immediately, after each AGM, elect from its own body a Chair and Vice-Chair each of whom shall hold office for one year and be eligible for re-election.


In the event that either there is no candidate willing to stand as Chair for the year, or the elected Chair is not able to attend a meeting, the Governors attending that meeting shall nominate from among those present a governor to chair the meeting.


(g) The Board, at its own discretion, may create up to 3 Emeritus Governors, if it feels that, when a governor has reached their full 12 years and has to retire, there will be a noticeable loss in that person’s experience. Emeritus governors do not have voting rights.




6 (a) Meetings of the Board shall be held 12 times per year or more often if necessary and the number of governors needed to form a quorum shall be 40% of the membership of the Board at the time.


(b) Board meetings will be held online. The papers shall be circulated to all governors for group discussion via any online group constituted solely for use by the Board prior to voting if required. If voting is needed, then the vote of a majority of members of the Board is necessary to confirm a decision. If the meeting is not quorate, then the vote will be held over till the next meeting.




11 (a) Any film, television or other screen media editor or sound editor working in the UK who is not a member, may apply to the Association with a view to becoming a member; such an application may be supported by 2 existing members or may be submitted directly to the Administrative Officer on the Application form available on the guild website, with additional details as required by the governors at the time.


(b) Current Membership criteria for Full, Associate and Student members will be published on the BFE website applications page.


(c) Only a Full Member of the Association may use the post-nominal letters ‘BFE’ in production credits.


(d) Associate or Student members may use the format BFE (Associate) or BFE (Student) - whichever is relevant - on CVs, websites or online profiles but not on production credits.


(e) When an applicant is invited to become a member of the Association the applicant shall be entitled to the privileges of the Association as soon as the first subscription and entrance fee has been paid.


(f) Any rejections will be notified to the Board in the monthly summary, and if required discussed at the next meeting.




16 (a) The Board may nominate any person connected with the film, television (and other diverse media) industries whom they consider suitable for such nomination as an Honorary Member of the Association. Such nomination shall be put as a resolution to an Annual General Meeting and shall take effect if elected shall not be liable to pay any subscription but his/her membership may be terminated by a like majority at an AGM.

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Our mailing address is: 
Devonshire house, 582 Honeypot Lane, Stanmore Middlesex HA7 1JS

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